Articles by Topic
This blog is plenty messy since I write about anything that I find interesting, but over the years a few main topics have emerged. This page organises articles I've written by those emergent topics.
Have fun reading! 🕳️ 🕳️ 🕳️ 🐇
🗣 Communication
- Language barriers
- The post-it incident
- Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks
- 4 Reasons to prefer recorded over live demos
- How to quickly (in)validate assumptions about your team
🌌 Creativity
- Brain surges without caffeine are possible
- Strictly 30
- Cover it up with a story
- Creating something every day
- Read to know what next
🤞 Good intentions (and how they play out)
- Sublime
- Strictly 30
- How to defeat iPhone overstimulation and claim your time back
- The post-it incident
- Put a timer on your WiFi router already
💼 Interviewing
Read all 2 articles on Interviewing →🙇🏻♂️ Leadership
- How to quickly (in)validate assumptions about your team
- Employment sweet spot
- 9 Questions for 1-1s
- Whenever you think you are not good at something, ask yourself this
- Software bugs and trash
😊 Living
- National pride is a weird thing
- Delete 'best practice' from your lexicon
- Brain surges without caffeine are possible
- An uncalibrated assault on my pomade
- Humans not furniture
📝 Personal Knowledge Management
- Labeling things properly in a digital garden
- Types of Notes in a PKM explained with a Gardening Analogy (Part II)
- Types of Notes in a PKM explained with a Gardening Analogy (Part I)
- 7 Signs that my Knowledge Management process is broken
- How a Daily Note fixed my note taking process
🤖 Tech
- I have to do what now to install an app on Ubuntu?
- Explained: The web is 'stateless'
- SQL in 90 seconds (for busy entrepeneurs)
- How I'm using AI to learn German (as a foreigner living in Germany)
- 4 Reasons to prefer recorded over live demos