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Nick Ang

Recognise a tool for what it is

drawing app iPad overwhelm 2 nickang sketch What I look like in my room watching YouTube videos of other artists drawing on their iPads

I just invested SGD $640 to buy an iPad 2018 with an Apple Pencil, and the first I did after some super amateurish doodling was—you guessed it—watching YouTube videos. Of other people drawing with theirs.

This bad habit is a weed in the garden that needs to be nibbed in the bud!

If I were honest with myself, I’ve been YouTubing things like “ipad pencil drawing” with absolutely no purposeful intent. It’s classic procrastination. Why do the potentially soul-crushing work of creating something when you could just watch someone else do it?

Aside from being mindless, I noticed that watching videos of other artists sketching actually made me feel less adequate to pick up the Apple Pencil to draw! Those guys are artists. I’m just a guy who doodles when he’s bored in class (which is true). So now, not only am I wasting time I could have used to sketch, I am also demoralising myself. Why do I do this to myself?

Of course, this isn’t the first time I’ve caught myself and people around me doing this. It’s the consumption autopilot that thinks it’s doing us a favour by absorbing more knowledge. But it misses is that humans are mostly a bag of emotions, not rationality, and everything we consume does something to our psyche.

In times like this, it’s useful to go back to reason.

I bought the iPad with Pencil support so I can get reacquainted with drawing stuff again. Drawing was something I used to do a lot more when I was younger, from primary school up to the end of secondary school right up to when I had my first girlfriend. This piece of my history gave me the confidence to invest so much money into the iPad. I literally have no other planned uses for it.

Another important reason is that I want to spruce up this blog. I believe a blog doesn’t have to be either textual or with photographs. Sometimes, hand-drawn sketches can convey a clearer message. While the words on the page will always remain the centrepiece of a blog (otherwise it’d be a vlog or a podcast), I wanted to add some sketches to bring my blog just a little closer to what a vlog is.

So those are my reasons for getting these new tools. Now all I need to do is get off YouTube, stop comparing my art with other artists’, and just sketch. I will be posting more sketches in the coming days!

Nick Ang profile picture
Husband, dad, and software engineer that writes. Big on learning something everyday and trying to have fun before the lights go out.
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