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Nick Ang

Basic HTML Video Tutorials

This is a group of videos that are part of a bigger series of video walkthroughs. Read Experienced Developer does FreeCodeCamp’s Web Development course for more details about the video series.

I recently finished recording and publishing 5 video tutorials that cover Basic HTML! I am quite happy with how they turned out and I have decided to continue to record more video tutorials, at least until I complete the Responsive Web Design certificate on

Here are the 5 videos covering Basic HTML:

If you like any of the videos, please literally “like” and subscribe for future updates! :)


This was my first foray into creating video tutorials and I learned a number of things:

  • Audio quality matters. I was using the built-in microphone of my AirPods and Bose headphones, but both were lacklustre upon review. From the 4th video onwards, I started using a Zoom H1n external microphone and it makes watching the video much more pleasant on the ears. Thanks to my colleague Marc who inspired me with his mic setup at home during this coronavirus work-from-home period! (I referred to his How to record almost like a pro blog post which summarises quick tips on mic setups.)
  • Don’t forget your position. My intent for this series is to ride on freeCodeCamp’s open-source curriculum to teach people web development, not to do the exercises for my own learning while explaining on the side. In the first two videos I forgot about this and skipped some explanations (which I ended up supplementing with a comment in the video). As long as I remember that I’m doing this to teach, I won’t forget to unpack concepts.
  • Keep the blemishes in. Since I’m trying to help people learn, I think it’s useful to keep my mistakes in the recordings. That’s why I don’t edit away parts where I stumble. Also, this has the benefit of keeping post-production light so the work doesn’t feel so boring to me.

More learnings to come, I’m sure!