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Nick Ang


I just recovered from an ulcer on my lip the other day and it felt amazing. It was an ulcer caused by clumsy chewing. I 5 days of pain before it recovered to the point where toothpaste stopped feeling like acid when it inevitably touches the wound.

That 6th day was wonderful, I finally could eat without worrying that the food will rub against the open wound.

The 7th, 8th, and maybe up to the 10th day were also great. I appreciated the fact that my wound, which had been hurting like a bitch before, had healed fully. Food tasted better, and being able to once again brush my teeth without being tortured felt like a gift.

But as the painful memory faded with time, I became less conscious of the way I chewed…

… and today I bit myself again. A fresh ulcer developed a few short hours later.

I know that if I’m mindful in chewing my food, I can virtually eliminate all future bite-induced mouth ulcers. Yet here I am.

An ulcer reminds me that I am bound to repeat the same mistake almost as soon as I forget to pay attention.

To never repeat the same preventable mistake twice, one needs to be mindful.

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Husband, dad, and software engineer that writes. Big on learning something everyday and trying to have fun before the lights go out.
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