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Nick Ang

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'Storyworthy' explores the essentials of compelling personal storytelling, focusing on honesty, vulnerability, and emotional impact. With practical advice like 'Homework for Life,' Dicks offers a guide to turning everyday moments into engaging narratives.

1 Year with my Tesla: A review

(Contains a Tesla Referral Code for $1,000 off.) One year in, I have a lot to share with you to help you decide for and against one.

Let the dataset change your mindset

I’m currently doing the Google Data Analytics course on Coursera because of a recent itch to learn how to be more proficient in querying data to answer business questions at work. I was going through the data visualisation segment of the course and decided to search YouTube for “data viz.” That’s…

12 Learnings from my Trip to Singapore in 2024

It’s 7am here in Singapore, one day before we leave for Düsseldorf after roughly 5 weeks abroad. We’ve been to China for a week and spent the remaining days in Singapore. I’ve learned a bunch! Here’s a selection of the ones worth mentioning. A noisy physical environment is costly The windows in…