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Nick Ang

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Despite inconvenience

More fun, surprising, fulfilling, rewarding, and memorable experiences await us.

27 May 2022 | [🔥] Living

No more mechanical keyboards for me

I had unthinkingly been buying and using mechanical keyboards to signal something else. I admit that it is time to stop it.

20 May 2022 | Tech

Please stop saying feedback is a gift

19 Apr 2022 | [🔥] Communication

Be the person everyone wants to teach

I've consciously taken a new approach to learning to do my job, and it's by doing one simple thing very deliberately - always teach what I learn

10 Apr 2022 | [🔥] Living, Tech

Why I removed dates from my blog post URLs

I no longer see my blog posts as static after publication. They're

31 Mar 2022 | Creativity

Your remote meeting superpower

You can now leave without social repercussions; don't waste this, and don't waste time.

30 Mar 2022 | Productivity, Communication

Engineers not developers

13 Mar 2022 | Tech

My 2021 Annual Review

02 Jan 2022 | Living

Write quicker tests with console.assert and blocks

23 Dec 2021 | Tech

What the duck is Duck Typing?

22 Dec 2021 | Tech

How URL shorteners generate 3 trillion unique URLs with just 7 characters

The answer is elegant: count up to 62 with base 62 counting!

21 Dec 2021 | Tech

Counting up in Binary

Not knowing how to count up in binary is not a big deal. But it is nice to know the ground you're standing on as an application developer!

20 Dec 2021 | Tech

What is a cache? What is an example use case?

What is a cache? What is an example use case? Explained with a video

19 Dec 2021 | Tech

Choose friends like your foods

Food can be healthy and enjoyable. So should your friends.

12 Dec 2021 | [🔥] Living

Labeling things properly in a digital garden

Labeling posts by their maturity will help readers browse the digital garden with the right mindset, and so will you as you continue to create more posts.

04 Dec 2021 | Communication, PKM

How to implement an LRU cache in JavaScript

28 Nov 2021 | Tech

Prioritise regularity over quality

Because it's impossible to not improve at something that you keep doing regularly.

19 Nov 2021 | Living

Technical or not, the hardest part of blogging is still writing

14 Nov 2021 | Creativity

Why I'm active on Instagram again

07 Nov 2021 | Creativity, Living

What I learned asking 120 people about my writing

01 Nov 2021 | Creativity