18 Sentences to sum up our year-end stay in Spain
(This post was written, edited, and published in under 30 minutes. Learn more.)
Sweet juicy persimmons. Cut width-wise, reveal an asterisk.
Processed food country. Jamon, cheese, criminal lack of green leafy vegetables.
Two weeklong cough with green phlegm, likely from copious consumption of Ajo Negro cheeses. Slow down next time. Ended up sleeping half the trip in separate beds.
Wonderful lack of sea spray on windows.
Tapas = bar. Restaurants don’t serve tapas. Two euro average per tapas.
Tortilla de patatas. Potato omelettes, with or without onions, pick wisely in social situations.
Eight euro splinter removal in polyclinic, zero wait time.
Climbers praise Singapore’s social engineering unwittingly in the presence of a Singaporean.
1.30 euros per litre of diesel. Complimentary, happy windscreen wiping service.
Feliz Navidad with a friend’s local family. Baked chicken leg stuffed with cheese and jamon. Model cashier with a barcode scanner that goes beep, beep.
TEDi stationery runs—15 euros for a 60-marker set.
Malaga airport mayhem due to carpark height limit. My fault. Walked from long-term carpark and all was good.
Friendly people. Chatty climbers, generous loaner crashpads.
Everyone a first pair of hiking shoes.
First time outdoor bouldering?? To be seen.
Lack of kitchen countertop space a greater inconvenience than lack of a dishwasher.
Google Translate conversation mode. We’re already cybernetic organisms.
The Arcane season 2. Squid Game season 2.
Written, edited, and published in 25 mins.