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Nick Ang

Strictly 30

(This post was written, edited, and published in under 30 minutes. Learn more.)

person holding a pen looking like he has just been struck by an idea

For the roughly 10 years I’ve been writing online, I’ve gone from being very serious to becoming very relaxed with what I publish.

What I’ve learned is that neither ends are good for me, nor what comes out through me. Take too long, end up with stuffy, overly produced writing. Be too hasty, produce rubbish.

Now this is where you might think I’m going say, I’m ready to strive for the middle.

Well, no.

I believe that fast writing CAN be good. It’s the material that matters, not the delivery. And material is always inside, ready to flow. We just need to know how to tap the tree.

Besides, I have no time to focus on delivery when it comes to my writing in 2025. At least not on writing.

There’s a saying: either be busy writing, or be busy doing what’s worth writing about. (Okay, ChatGPT clarifies that it’s Ben Franklin quote and I butchered it: “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.“)

So for January of 2025, I’m going to experiment with a new concept that I think of as “strictly 30.”

Strictly 30 is what it sounds like: I’m going to give myself strictly 30 minutes to write and publish something on this blog everyday.

The great thing is, I’ve already gotten much of the basics down:

  • Scripts to create boilerplate files and template for inserting content
  • Edge hosting that re-generates static files on every git push
  • Simple workflow for writing in Markdown
  • Completed a series of daily writing periods before

So I’ve become ready for this. My plan is to roughly break the time down as such:

  • 20 minutes: write
  • 10 minutes: copy-paste, light edit, add tags, give a title, add image(s), push

With this setup, I’ll be able to spend whatever free time I have remaining on my side projects.

Oh and one last thing: I’m going to record exactly how long each piece took to publish, and it’ll appear at the bottom of each post.

I’m opting to display this as an experiment as well. I think it’ll send two messages to readers: 1) this blog contains not very serious writing; 2) if I can “churn up” something in 30 minutes and do it every day, maybe you can too.

Let’s go.

Written, edited, and published in 20 mins.